Blue Collar Workers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The student loan debt crisis is a social issue in the US. That’s why some students choose not to go to college. They want to avoid the consequences of being in debt. It includes having a bad credit score, the inability to buy a house or car, and accepting any available jobs regardless of the compensation and benefits. They take jobs indiscriminately because they want to start paying their student loans.

As a result, some young people tend to choose the alternative. They believe it is a better option to take an apprenticeship program, learn skills, and become a blue-collar worker.

Watch the video and get to know Michael Lauther, a man who refuses to go to college and is convinced that being a blue-collar worker is the best decision.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your takeaways from what’s being discussed in this video?
  2. The video highlights the advantages of being a blue-collar worker. Do you know any other benefits?
  3. What do people in your country think about blue-collar jobs?
  4. Can you talk about some high-paying blue-collar jobs?
  5. Would you like to be a white-collar or a blue-collar worker? And why?
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