Manage Your Mental Health During the Holidays

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The festive season can heighten emotions and stress levels, but proactive steps can help maintain a positive outlook.

Read the article below to help ensure a more peaceful and enjoyable Christmas season.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to get too deep into something” mean? “Before you get too deep into holiday planning and celebrations, pause and ask yourself what you want the holidays to be like this year.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “overindulgence” mean? ” From eating or drinking too much, to spending too much, or even scrolling too much, overindulgence takes a toll on your well-being.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to feel sluggish” mean? “Or maybe you love to eat holiday chocolates, cookies, and candy. But, you regret your decisions when you feel sluggish from a sugar crash later.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some realistic expectations you could set for yourself during the holiday season to avoid feeling overwhelmed?
  2. How do you usually stay connected with loved ones during the holidays, and do you find it helps your mental well-being?
  3. What are some self-care activities you enjoy that could help reduce stress during the festive season?
  4. Have you ever found social media affecting your holiday experience? How might taking breaks from it improve your mood?
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