People Happiest in the Mornings

B1- Intermediate 

Do you ever notice which time during the day you feel the happiest?

A study found that people are happiest in the mornings and saddest at midnight. 

Read this article about people’s mental well-being at different times of the day.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “worthwhile” mean? “They asked people to rate their feelings of happiness, overall satisfaction with life, and how worthwhile they thought life was.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “unwind” mean? “The researchers also found that we felt happiest on Sunday mornings, when our anxiety is lower. This is because we have the chance to unwind on Saturdays.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “to splash out” mean? “We are more likely to have fun and splash out on something nice while shopping.” Use this phrasal verb in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. A study says people are happiest in the mornings, and bluest at midnight.” What is your reaction to the results of the study?
  2. Which time of the day do you think you are the happiest? How about the bluest and explain why?
  3. Share your thoughts on this, “We feel happiest on Sunday mornings, when our anxiety is lower.
  4. What are you more likely to do when you are happy?
  5. What are other “drivers” that could affect people’s positive feelings? Why do you think this is?
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