The Power of Touch

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Since the pandemic started last year, authorities have been constantly reminding us to strictly observe social distancing. People have to have as little interaction as possible with people outside of their households. As a result, social gatherings were drastically reduced. We barely see our friends and for some, even families. And even if we do, we have to be mindful of our interactions with them. Hugging, kissing, or even handshakes have been discouraged.

The sense of touch is most taken for granted, but now that it’s being controlled, we miss the nonchalance towards it. The changes in our social interactions have caused some people to feel “skin hunger,” the feeling of deprivation and abandonment. They made us realize the importance of human touch to us and the people around us.

Click the link to learn more about skin hunger and the power of touch.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is skin hunger? How important is the human touch for people?
  2. According to the article, how do different cultures speak the language of touch?
  3. What can you say about psychologist Sydney Jourard’s conclusion that Americans and Britons live under a “touch taboo”? How is it compare to people in your country?
  4. According to the article, what did the skin-hungry do as substitutes for human touch?
  5. How do people in your country greet their friends and family pre and post-pandemic?
  6. When was the last time you hugged or kissed someone to greet them?
  7. Can you imagine a world where people are not allowed skin contact with others?
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