Turn Mundane Task into Meaningful Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Mundane tasks are those uninteresting and unexciting duties that we all have to do. Despite appearing insignificant, they can accumulate and leave us feeling tired and demotivated.

In the office, there are several mundane tasks that people have to perform, such as making photocopies, filing papers, or cleaning up their desks. While these tasks may not be enjoyable, they are crucial for maintaining smooth operation in the workplace.

Needless to say, mundane tasks can be discouraging, but they are necessary evil.

For more tips on how to make these tasks more manageable and enjoyable, check out the full article.


Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the idiom “sweep something under the rug” mean in the sentence “Just because we don’t like something, doesn’t mean we get to sweep it under the rug.”? Use it in a sentence. 
  2. What is the meaning of the phrase “to rack one’s brain” in the sentence, “I would rack my brain for ways to turn dull, boring games into high-octane ones”? Explain your understanding of this phrase and use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the idiom “fit the bill” mean, “Mundane tasks are often things we don’t want to do, so they fit the bill.” Use it in another sentence.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some benefits of completing mundane tasks?

2. How do you think breaking a task down into smaller parts help with productivity? 

3. What advice does the author give for making mundane tasks more enjoyable? 

4. What are some mundane tasks that you find particularly challenging or unpleasant, and how do you usually approach it? 

5. In what ways can technology assist with completing mundane tasks?

6. Does doing what you don’t want to do first work for you? Why or why not?

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