Cure for Itchiness and Eczema

B1 – Intermediate

Perhaps one of the most irritating and exasperating feeling is when an itch doesn’t seem to go away no matter what you do.

Eczema is a very common skin condition that affects hundreds of millions of people around the world. Scientists have not stopped trying to understand why we itch and how to treat it.

Read the article about a possible cure for itchiness and eczema.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”bug” mean here,”The most common disease is eczema. It’s not the nicest bug to have on you, for sure.”
  2. Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘bug’.
  3. What does “induce mean? “Many patients carry on their skin the very microbe we’ve now shown for the first time can induce itch.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘induce’.
  4. What does “debilitating mean? “Itches can be quite debilitating in patients who suffer from chronic skin conditions.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘debilitating’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What are your thoughts on this anti-itch medication on humans?
  3. What is your reaction to this, “Eczema affects around 245 million people globally.”?
  4. What do you know about eczema?
  5. What problems do people with eczema have?
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