Challenges Facing German Carmakers

Germany is famous for making cars and is seen as a world leader in car design and technology. For more than 100 years, it has been home to top car brands like Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi. The car industry in Germany focuses on high quality and new technology, including electric and self-driving cars. Germany’s central location in Europe, along with its skilled workers and good infrastructure, helps make it a strong player in the world car market.

Although Germany is a global leader in the car manufacturing industry, its car makers are currently facing challenges. Read the article to learn more.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What is “acknowledge”? “The company acknowledges that it must find ways to reduce costs.” Use this verb in a sentence.
2. What does the phrase “lay off” mean? “Volkswagen denied reports that it was planning to lay off up to 30,000 workers, which would be around a quarter of its workforce in Germany.” Use this phase in your own sentence.
3. What does “competitive” mean? “The company has to make its own decisions to stay competitive.” Use this adjective in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are German cars popular in your country?
  2. What are your thoughts on German cars regarding their design, quality, and pricing?
  3. What emerging car brands in your country could challenge the leading ones?
  4. What do you consider important when selecting a car?
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