Work Trends

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employment conditions vary from generation to generation. Loads of changes have occurred in the way we work through the years. Notice that the way we work has been quite very different from our parents’ time.

Listen to the audio as a social affairs commentator talks about work trends over the past twenty years.

Discussion Questions:

1. What work trends are there in your country?
2. How do you see the future of working?
3. How may present working conditions be different from your parents/grandparents time?
4. What’s your ideal work setup?

Preventing Favoritism in the Workplace

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Favoritism is a sign of bad management practice, which leads to disfavored employees feeling unmotivated. No law averts favoritism, however, if discrimination, harassment, or retaliation stems from it, then it can be a form of illegal behavior. Read the article to get a deeper understanding of when favoritism goes beyond standards of behavior.

Discussion questions:

1. Describe favoritism as:
a. illegal discrimination
b. sexual harassment
c. retaliation

2. Do you think favoritism exists in your workplace? How?

3. What are the negative effects of favoritism in the workplace? Can you cite any positive effect of it?

4. Who is your favorite colleague, friend, and family member?

5. Share your experience about you being favored and/or disfavored by your employer.

Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Countries

B2 – Upper intermediate

Every year, more and more people are looking for opportunities or greener pastures outside their country and many of these individuals are highly skilled and educated. So how does this affect the country they are leaving?

Click the link below to find out more.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is brain drain? What is another term for brain drain?

2. To address the problem of brain drain, what should we understand?
3. What are the consequences of brain drain?
4. What are some reasons why people choose to go abroad?