B1 – Intermediate
Job stress is something that every employee can relate to, but not all jobs are created equal.
Listen to the audio about stressful jobs below.
“Recently, my nine-year-old son proudly announced to me that he wanted to become a commercial airline pilot when he grows up. I’m happy for him because he spends hours reading books about airplanes, and he loves to play airplane game apps. It’s great to know what career you want at such a young age. As well, the average annual salary for an airline pilot is quite good: US$105,270. Also, being an airline pilot means that you might travel to many exotic locations around the world places that most people might never get a
chance to see. However, I wonder if his choice of career is one that I should encourage. You see, this morning I googled “most stressful jobs” and I discovered that my son’s dream career is actually the third most stressful job on a list of top ten most stressful jobs. This makes sense because as a pilot you are responsible for the lives of hundreds of people, you are away from home for many days at a time, and you may have to fly through many different time zones which can be very difficult to adjust to. Number one on the list was “military personnel” (soldier) and number two was “firefighter”. Of course, jobs like these are very dangerous – you must put your life in danger almost daily. Interestingly, however, “taxi driver” was also on the list (at number ten). “
Discussion Questions:
- What do you think is the most stressful job?
- What do you think is the least stressful job?
- What do you think of your job?
- If a job gets too stressful, what would you do?
- Would you support your children no matter what career they choose?