Toys and Games

B2 – Upper intermediate

A game is structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.  Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. A toy is an object that can be used for play. Unlike games, there are no rules involved in playing with a toy.

Please click the link and watch the video. Be able to answer the discussion questions below:

English Conversations – Toys and Games


  1. Do you agree with the advice given in this video? Why? Why not?
  2. Do you think experiences are better than toys?
  3. What kind of games did you play when you were a child?
  4. What games are popular in your country today?
  5. What kinds of games were popular when you were young?
  6. Do you think adults should play games?
  7. What do children learn from games?

Men, Women and Housework

B2 – Upper intermediate

It is quite common for women to do most of the housework while holding full time or part time jobs. The video below, however, shows a different trend happening when it comes to families and domestic chores.

Watch the video and answer the questions below:


  1. How much work do you do around the house each week? What chores do you do?
  2. Why do you think men do fewer chores than women? Please explain.
  3. Why do women have more housework when there are children?
  4. Would you ever want to become a housewife/ house husband?
  5. Which is more difficult, work in a career or work in the home for the family? Why?