Women with More Children Are More Productive

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the greatest worries of women is that having children could slow down their performance in their respective professions. A study reveals otherwise.

In fact, working mothers all over the world are very much capable to balance paperwork and their kids’ bath time.

The article below reveals an encouraging study on the productivity of working mothers.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the results of this study?
  2. Are working mothers common in your country? Why do you think this is the case?
  3. What do you think are the challenges that working parents deal with?
  4. In your opinion, does having a child hinder success? Explain.
  5. What would your advice be to working parents who struggle with balancing work and their family life?
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10 replies on “Women with More Children Are More Productive”

1. What are your thoughts on the results of this study?
The study challenges the common perception that having more children might reduce productivity. It provides insights into the relationship between parenthood and productivity.

2. Are working mothers common in your country? Why do you think this is the case?
Yes, most mothers work. Several factors influence like economic necessity, cultural shift on the XX century, government policies, social system (protection during pregnancy and free nursing schools, etc.).

3. What do you think are the challenges that working parents deal with?
Working parents face a variety of challenges as they attempt to balance their professional and personal lives, such as time management, childcare, work-life balance, financial pressure.

4. In your opinion, does having a child hinder success? Explain.
The impact of having a child on one’s success can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances, societal support systems, and personal definitions of success. In my opinion, raising a family is a personal goal.

5. What would your advice be to working parents who struggle with balancing work and their family life?
Try to achieve a balance between professional responsibilities and family life. When at work, maintain a high level of focus and dedication. Conversely, when spending time with your family, prioritize relaxation and enjoyment.

You shared some interesting perspectives regarding this subject matter.

To improve the structure of this sentence, you may put the phrases in this order:

Working parents face a variety of challenges as they attempt to balance their professional and personal lives, such as time management, childcare, work-life balance, financial pressure.

Working parents face a variety of challenges such as time management, childcare, work-life balance, financial pressure as they attempt to balance their professional and personal lives.

You are definitely doing a great job so far!

1- What are your thoughts on the results of this study?
I think that the results of this study are good news for those who are thinking of having another child or are deciding whether to have children because of their career.
2- Are working mothers common in your country? Why do you think this is the case?
Yes, they are. I think that’s the case because with only one income, you can’t afford children.
3- What do you think are the challenges that working parents deal with?
In your opinion, does having a child hinder success? Explain.
Well, there are a lot of challenges that working parents must face. Some of them could be a very short term of parental leave, very expensive kindergartens, flexibility in your work for childcare, and more.
4- What would your advice be to working parents who struggle with balancing work and their family life?
I would advise working parents to remember that the largest study in the world about happiness finds that what really makes us happy is not your work or the money you earn, it’s the moments that you have with your family.

Interesting ideas regarding this matter. Good work writing your answers down.

Here are some expressions you can use in the following sentences:

I think that’s the case because with only one income, you can’t afford children.

I think that’s the case because with only one income, you can’t afford to have children.

Some of them could be a very short term of parental leave, very expensive kindergartens, flexibility in your work for childcare, and more.

Some of them could be a very short term period of parental leave, very expensive kindergartens, lack of flexibility in your work for childcare, and more.

Practice consistently to enhance your skills further.

-What are your thoughts on the results of this study?
This articule put the focus in women, and normally the child has a dad also, and therefore this focus is sexist.
But in the othe hand, i think this articule is a trap from capitalism system, because explain that we should to be mothers and also we must be proctutive people. It is stresful and it can give a importat problems of mental healthy.

– Are working mothers common in your country? Why do you think this is the case?
Yes, it is very common, there are two reasons. The main reason is for the salary because we need a lot of money for daily expenses in housing, food, schools. On the other hand, women want to have a professional career and we are get so that child-rearing tasks are 100% shared with parents and even men who leave their jobs to care for their children

– What do you think are the challenges that working parents deal with?
In your opinion, does having a child hinder success? Explain.

The most importat it is we must not forget that the child have mom and dad, and both parents are responsible for the child care. The main challenges is that conciliation between personal and professional life due to schedules, schools, hobbies, work mettings, etc.,

What would your advice be to working parents who struggle with balancing work and their family life?

– I believe that the people should change the goal and when two people want to create the family, they must know that there are things that will be sacrificed, such as free time, promotions, etc., but they will gain others. This must be shared, not only the woman losing things and in the balance is the right way.

Very good job with your answers to the discussion questions for this lesson.

See how this sentence can be better structured:

I believe that the people should change the goal and when two people want to create the family, they must know that there are things that will be sacrificed, such as free time, promotions, etc., but they will gain others.

I believe that the people should change their goals and when two people want to start a family, they should know that while they will gain some things, there are things that will be sacrificed, such as free time, promotions, etc.

Continue with your writing practice to further develop your skills.

1. Are working mothers common in your country?
Very common, the rare thing is to find mothers who do not work and stay at home.
2. What do you think are the challenges that working parents deal with?
Even though we are helping to reconcile work and family life, I think there are still many difficulties in terms of schedules and workloads that prevent us from being able to lead both lives at the same time.
3. In your opinion, does having a child hinder success?
I think in a way it does, unless you focus on your career and your partner is the caregiver.
4. What would be your advice to parents who struggle with both work and their children?
To take it easy and be aware that they won’t always get everything done.

Good to see you continuing with your writing practice. Well done.

See how you can rewrite this one with a bit better word choice:

Even though we are helping to reconcile work and family life, I think there are still many difficulties in terms of schedules and workloads that prevent us from being able to lead both lives at the same time.

Even though we try to reconcile work and family life, I think there are still many difficulties in terms of schedules and workloads that prevent us from being able to lead a life where we can strike a balance between the two at the same time.

Keep up the good job!

In my country, it is a common practice that women work out of home. I see two causes for this statement. Firstly, women tend to be more independent than some years ago. They are looking for having good skills and getting high positions into tbe companies. Another reason is that nowadays, growing up a family is expensive and thus, it is necessary two salaries to keep a standard life style.
The working parents have to deal with a lot of challenges along the day. Sometimes, the job timetable makes it difficult to spend a few hours with their children. Besides, some jobs require of travels which makes it even more tough to attend their children’s problems and worries. At the end of the day, some parents feel guilty because they realize that they could take care of their children properly.
Having a child would not hinder sucess of nobody. However, I think that some people link having a child with reducing the productivity at work. I personally lived this bad experience when I gave birth to my child. I had to prove to my boss I was capable to do it better than the rest of my peers. And finally he had to recognize his mistake.
My best advice I can give to parents is that they should enjoy their children while they are small children. The time goes so quickly and suddenly one day the child is old enough and they prefer to spend their life with their friends.

Salute to working moms! Thank you for sharing your thoughts well through these answers.

Be a little careful with double negatives here:
Having a child would not hinder sucess of nobody.
> Having a child does not hinder anybody’s success.

Overall, you did a good job! Well done.

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