Job Promotions Unhealthy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As employees, we always strive to go up the corporate ladder as we stay longer in a company. As we become more successful in our career, we are faced with more responsibilities and challenges. These things cause stress. Studies in the past indicate that stress is a silent and deadly killer.

Read the article below then express your thoughts.

Ambition drives people at work to succeed, receive recognition, and eventually move up the chain of command.  And with promotions and increased responsibilities also come dreams of new cars, bigger homes, more exotic vacations, and perhaps an earlier, more fulfilling retirement.  Yet new research out of Britain irrefutably showed that promotions at work may actually harm the health of people.

Research indicated that the mental health of people worsened with a promotion.  What’s more, it wasn’t a short-term deterioration but instead continued for the long term.  Mental strain increased by an average of 10%.  In addition, people were more likely to skip visits to the doctor, citing stress and a general lack of time that unexpectedly came with the new job.  The research also showed that a promotion offered no health benefits whatsoever.

Past studies have shown what a silent and deadly killer stress can be, as it affects every part of the body.  Stress can lead to heart disease, cancer, depression, and even more bouts with the common cold because it slows or shuts down important bodily functions like digestion, physical growth, and parts of the immune system.  Although this is just temporary, frequent and severe stress causes the slow down to occur again and again.  The effects are compounded over time.

The findings came from an annual survey which also included information from roughly 1,000 newly promoted people.  And although the poor economy and the threat of joblessness loom large enough to cause stress for some, there’s now something else to worry about too: recognition and job promotion.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “chain of command” mean, “Ambition drives people at work to succeed, receive recognition, and eventually move up the chain of command.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “bout” mean here, “Stress can lead to heart disease, cancer, depression, and even more bouts with the common cold because it slows or shuts down important bodily functions like digestion, physical growth, and parts of the immune system.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “compounded” mean, “The effects are compounded over time.” Use this word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some areas that generally cause stress at work? How about areas for you at your job?
  2. Do you agree that the new job responsibilities that come with a promotion are stressful?
  3. Why are some people so ambitious that they seek promotions again and again?
  4. Have you ever heard the term “work-life balance?” What do you think it means?
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2 replies on “Job Promotions Unhealthy”

1. What are some areas that generally cause stress at work? How about areas for you at your job?

There are plenty of reasons that could cause stress at work. Some of the factors that commonly cause work-related stress include job insecurity, heavy workload, tight deadlines, closed-minded bosses,…
Besides those, in my case, I can’t stand unproductive and never-ending meetings.

2. Do you agree that the new job responsibilities that come with a promotion are stressful?

No, I don’t agree. The responsibilities are different and, indeed, include a part of stressful but not necessarily the level of pressure is higher.

3. Why are some people so ambitious that they seek promotions again and again?

People, in general, are different and the causes that move them to get promotions are unique and special as well. Perhaps is the way they have to feel completely realized.

4. Have you ever heard the term “work-life balance?” What do you think it means?

Yes, I have. Nowadays, is a very common term used by human resources departments when they make an interview or they propose it as a social benefit. On the other hand, it’ s important trying to have a good work-life balance but sometimes is pretty tricky.

Interesting thoughts on this topic. Please look at this sentence and the words you can use to improve it:

Yes, I have. Nowadays, is a very common term used by human resources departments when they make an interview or they propose it as a social benefit.
> Yes, I have. Nowadays, it is a very common term used by human resources departments when they do an interview or when they propose it as a social benefit.

Your efforts are much appreciated.

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