Every Job Is An Opportunity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A job is more than a paycheck. It’s a platform for learning, growth, and advancement. By seeing every job as an opportunity, individuals can unlock their full potential, extract valuable lessons, and make the most out of their career journey.

Discover 5 reasons why every job can be a stepping stone towards career dreams. Despite feeling uninspired sometimes, jobs offer growth opportunities. Don’t miss this eye-opening article by Jakob Sauppe!


Vocabulary Questions:

1. What is the meaning of the phrase “Achilles’ heel” in a sentence “Every one of us has an Achilles’ heel in our work lives.” Use it in a sentence.

2. In a sentence “If you made a positive, memorable impression, that could be your ticket to moving up.”, explain the meaning of the word “ticket” and use it in a sentence.

3. Explain the idiom “right off the bat” in the sentence “I sincerely doubt many people turn out successful right off the bat.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that every job is an opportunity? Why or why not?
  2. What other values did you learn from the article?
  3. How can you use your job as an opportunity to improve?
  4. How does the mindset of viewing every job as an opportunity to excel impact your approach to your work and your overall job performance?
  5. Share success stories of individuals who turned challenges into opportunities for career growth.
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