Career Coach Finds Your Dream Job

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Just about everyone faces a moment in their professional life when they question the job that they do, when it doesn’t challenge them anymore or simply having that feeling that they should be somewhere else. However, some time after the outbreak of the pandemic, it appears that there has been a significant increase in the number of people reconsidering their career opportunities.

A vast career coaching industry has sprung up in recent years, with the goal of sustaining and enhancing a different approach in professionals’ careers, as well as gaining the skills for them to be established and eventually being able to reach their dreams.

Let’s take a look at the article below to find out how a career coach can help you find your dream job.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Would you ever consider having a career coach? Why or why not?
  2. How would you go about it when the moment comes and you feel you aren’t where you want to be professionally?
  3. What are some of the worst and best jobs you can think of and why do you consider them as such?
  4. What kinds of jobs interest you the most and the least?
  5. Talk about your dream job and how you intend to land it.

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2 replies on “Career Coach Finds Your Dream Job”

1. I do not really believe in coaches. The cause can be the bad experience I lived with one of them once. The company I’m working on, asked for me to attend to one-week training with a coach just to learn how to manage a team and become a leader. After a first hour boasting about all his titles and skills, the coach introduced his way of teaching. The sessions consisted of dividing the class in four-people groups, each one with a set of the same questions and everybody had to give their opinion and get one conclusion. Then, the responsible of each group set out the conclusion to the rest of the audience and so, everyone should learn from the different points of view. The problem was that I did not find which role the coach played during the classes, because he never told us if the replies were right or wrong.
2. I had this feeling some years ago. I always wanted to work as an accountant. However, I started working in another different field and all my experience turned focus on this one. I suffered a small crisis and then, I tried to change into what I really liked. The problem was that I needed to start from the lowest level to get enough skills and hence, the salary they offered me did not fit with my standard of life.
3,4. In my opinion, the worst jobs are those which require a physical effort such as cleaning staff, farmers, fruit / vegetable pickup…They need to be in a very good physical condition to carry out their jobs. On the other hand, the best jobs are those which look for creativity and imagination because people working there is very difficult to get bored.
5. I think that there is not any dream job, at least from my point of view. Sometimes, I have known different jobs that seemed perfect apparently, but after a deeper study I realize that they also have drawbacks.

You always put in a lot of efforts in your work. Great job!

See how you can write this sentence better:

In my opinion, the worst jobs are those which require a physical effort such as cleaning staff, farmers, fruit / vegetable pickup…

In my opinion, the worst jobs are those that require so much physical effort such as cleaning staff, farming, fruit / vegetable picking, etc.

Keep up the good job!

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