Stop Consuming, Start Creating

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The article you are about to read will encourage you to break free from the endless cycle of consumption and take intentional steps toward self-expression, innovation, and personal fulfillment.

Explore how the author benefited from adopting a “stop consuming, start creating” mindset and how it led her to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What does the word “ball game” mean in the sentence “Until this artistic awakening, I had taken lessons in piano and dance, but doing my own thing was a completely different ball game.”? Use it in a sentence.

2. What does the term “muse” mean in the sentence “Music was my first muse.”? Use it in a sentence.

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “to show somebody the ropes”, “Ask someone to show you the ropes.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the author, what happens when you shift from a consumer to a creator?

2. Are you a consumer or a creator?

3. What do you think is the role of creativity in problem-solving and innovation?

4. Can creativity be developed and nurtured, or is it something people are born with? Explain.

5. What would you stop consuming, and what would you create instead?

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