Why Start-ups Succeed

C1 – Advanced

Becoming your own boss is what a lot of people aspire for. Having a nine-to-five job just isn’t good enough and is very exhausting and could be unfulfilling for some at times. As more and more people want to stick a toe in the water, the rise of start-ups occurred. But is sheer motivation all that it takes for start-up success?

Watch the video about the single biggest reason start-ups succeed.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the five factors in company success according to the speaker? Do you agree with all of them?
  2. In your own opinion, what makes a company succeed?
  3. Can you give other small start-ups from your country that became successful? How about those that failed?
  4. As a consumer, what new businesses do you think you are likely to patronize?
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