Trick For Remembering Someone’s Name

B2 – Upper intermediate

In a room filled with people whom you have to speak to, it can be such a challenge to remember everyone’s name. The article below will give you an interesting tip on recalling someone’s name. Perhaps something you can use at the next party.

A Scientifically Proven Trick For Remembering Someone’s Name


1. According to the article, what’s a good way to remember names?
2. How good are you at remembering?
3. What are some of the things you do to help remember events and birthdays?

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2 replies on “Trick For Remembering Someone’s Name”

According to the article, what’s a good way to remember names?
According to the article to repeat the name aloud is good for remember them, is better if, furthermore, you say it to another person, and even better if you have the opportunity to ask some question and speak with the person ou want to remember his/her name. How good are you at remembering?

How good are you at remembering?
Not very good at that, but normally I remember very well the things I like it. So I think maybe it is a matter of motivation and attention.

What are some of the things you do to help remember events and birthdays?
Well, I use technology in order to remember them, it is easier, simpler and more reliable. I like google calendar for all these things.

You are doing a great job with your writing exercise.

Here are a few things that can be changed in these sentences in order to improve them:

Well, I use technology in order to remember them, it is easier, simpler and more reliable. I like google calendar for all these things.

Well, I use technology in order to remember them. It is easier, simpler, and more reliable. I especially like using Google Calendar for all of these things.

Keep up the job well done!

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