Best Tool to Teach Babies Speech


B1 – Intermediate

Parenting is one of the most difficult but fulfilling jobs on the planet. Most parents now have very hectic work schedules, and it’s easy for them to resort to electronic gadgets to teach and keep their children busy.

Read the short article below to know more information about spending time with children.

Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss the pros and cons of electronic educational tools for children.
2. Is it good to learn several languages? When do you think is the best time to learn languages?
3. If you have children, what are your rules when it comes to using electronic tools?

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6 replies on “Best Tool to Teach Babies Speech”

I think that is good for the children to also play with electronic games but of course, with a limit time and have other games or activities to do. Electronic games can stimulate their senses and get some entertainment. Parents will also need to interact with their child to stimulate other areas.
I think it is easier to learn a language when you are young as the more you hear from a language the easier is to learn it. This is the way the children learn how to talk.
The rules to play with electronic games has to limit the time.

It is really a question which is the best way to help babies develop their speech, isn’t it? Look at how you can say these sentences better:

I think that is good for the children to also play with electronic games but of course, with a limit time and have other games or activities to do.
> I think that IT is good for children to also play electronic games but of course, WITHIN LIMIT and THEY SHOULD have other games or activities to do TOO.

the more you hear from a language the easier is to learn it.
> the more you LISTEN TO a language the easier IT is to learn it.

Thank you very much for expressing your ideas.

I believe that electronic education tools have many advantages: children learn in an interactive way and, as they like, they are encouraged to continue learning.
It also has disadvantages: It is necessary to set a time limit as they can cause addiction.
In my opinion, it is very good to learn several languages, such as English because it is a very necessary language for traveling, working, studying, etc. I think it is better to learn when you are a child because learning is easier.
The rules that I use with my children to use electronic tools are that they cannot stay more than a certain time, and I offer it to them as a reward for having done their homework.

Very well put. Check out this sentence and how you can say it better:

The rules that I use with my children to use electronic tools are that they cannot stay more than a certain time, and I offer it to them as a reward for having done their homework.
> The rule that I use with my children in using electronic tools is that they cannot use them for more than a certain amount of time and I offer it to them as a reward for doing their homework.

You are doing a good job!

The electronics tools are good for example when the parents are busy and there is some moment that they can`t play with them children, it is a way for entretaint the childs. I think too that is good because all the time there are new electronic things and is good that the childs know how to use the new tecnologies.
And the cons it would be the time that the childs use the electronic tools, is not good for the childs use them so much time, and they cand to find bored he traditionals toys.

I think that is good lo learn several languages, because we live in a globalization world and it would be good for the future for example for find more job oportunities, you could have more conversations with people of other countries..
The best time for learn a new language is when you are a child, is more easy for them learn the new things.

I don`t have children, but if I would have, the most important rules for the electronic tools I think it would be the time that he childs use them, and only use them and especific moments.

Thank you for your response. Here is a way to say this idea better:

The electronics tools are good for example when the parents are busy and there is some moment that they can`t play with them children, it is a way for entretaint the childs.
> Electronics tools are good when the parents are busy and there are some moments when they can’t play with their children, it is a way to keep the child amused.

Keep doing your writing practice.

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