One School, Five Languages


B2 – Upper intermediate

Jobs in the future will require people to be able to speak more than one language. Some schools in New York are providing dual language programs. What are your thoughts on being a polyglot?

One School, Five Languages


1. How many languages can you speak fluently?
2. Do you think that one day there will be just one language in the world? Would the world be a better place?
3. Are there any disadvantages in learning another language?
4. What are the advantages of being able to speak more than one language?

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3 replies on “One School, Five Languages”

1. I speak english and spanish.
2. I really don’t think one language is a reality, variety is nice, killing a language is killing a culture.
3. No! learning a language is only advantages!
4. You are open to a new culture, new world an opportunities!

We appreciate your efforts in writing your answers.

Here is how you can express this sentence better:

No! learning a language is only advantages!

No, because in my opinion, learning a languages is only has advantages.

Cheers to more future entries from you!


In my case I only speak my natural language (spanish) and I’m improving my English as a second option.

I think that is very important to know different languages along our live, because they’ll provide you more freedom and security when you travel abroad and in many cases at work, when you have to deal with other people in professional tasks.

Maybe one day in the future only exists one language that everybody know and speak, and I suppose that it would be very important and satisfactory, because all the people would be more communicated and the information would be shared easier among all the countries, no matter the culture or the way of thinking.

I think that learning other languages has more advantages than disadvantages. It open us a lot of doors in our professional development and in the possible relations that we can have in our live with other cultures.

We can get two kind of advantages, in a personal context, being able to make relations with people from other countries, for example, if we travel abroad, and in a professional context, dealing with people about work, and in personally, for our mind exercise and development.

Bye, bye!!

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