Speaking Activity: Wishes


B1 – Intermediate

It’s normal for people to have wishes and specific preferences in life. What are some of yours? Answer the questions below and be ready to have a discussion about wishes with your teacher.


1. Have you ever wished for additional hours to the day?
2. Have you ever thought about changing your appearance?
3. Would you like to move to a new house? What is your ideal living space?
4. Would you like to study again?
5. Would you like to have another job? What is your ideal job?
6. How can you enjoy your life more?
7. How can you maintain your health? What can you do to improve your health?
8. Would you like to have more friends? Would you consider yourself sociable?

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2 replies on “Speaking Activity: Wishes”

1. Yes, I wanted the day to have more hours so that I could spend more time with my baby, go shopping, go to gym or rest.
2. No, i like me as I am. I try to take care on myself and go to gym twice a week, eat healthy. We are very conditioned by society by the appearence is not the most important thing.
3. I would love to have a big house with a pool, barbecue and garden in a village near to work. Now live in a residential building and my home has a small garden where we spend a lot of time on sunny days there.
4. That’s what I’m doing rigth now, studying English, but I wouldn’t study another degree, I don’t have time.
5. Yes, I’d love to. I studies geological egineering but never went into it. I would like to be able to work doing studies of soil so that later buildings, bridges, roads, can be builts.
6. I thing I should not get so angry about silly things and not worry so much. I have a great partner and a wonderful daughter, work, home health…what more can I ask for?
7. I try to do sports regulary and eat healthy. I also haver medical check-ups every year. I don’t smoke and drink beer os wine only occasionally with friends.
8. I have many friends but I never close myself to making more. At the beginning I´m a little shy but them I’m friendly. I like to talk and lough.

Thank you for taking time to answer our questions for this lesson. Good work!

Take a look at this correction on the sentence:

We are very conditioned by society by the appearence is not the most important thing.

We are very conditioned by the society that appearance matters but I believe it is not the most important thing.

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