Present Continuous: Form and Uses

Present Continuous Exercise Answers

Here are the answers to the exercise on this page.

1. B In my country, many people speak Spanish.

2. B Some old traditions are disappearing very fast. 

3. B You can’t play with the baby now; she is taking a nap.

4. C Please be quiet, I am reading. You know I read the paper in the mornings.

5. A What time does the first class start?

6. Aam wearing a coat because it’s unusually cold today.

7. B I finished listening to the podcast you recommended. Now I am listening to another one.

8. A What are you doing this afternoon?

9. B Nobody thinks she will marry him.

10. B You look like you are having fun. What are you watching ?

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8 replies on “Present Continuous: Form and Uses”

1. In my country, many people are speak Spanish.
2. Some old traditions are disappearing very fast.
3. You can’t play with the baby now; she is taking a nap.
4. Please be quiet, I am reading. You know I read the paper in the mornings.
5. What time does the first class start?
6. I am wearing a coat because it’s unusually cold today.
7. I finished listening to the podcast you recommended. Now I am listening to another one.
8. What are you doing this afternoon?
9. Nobody is thinking she will marry him.
10. You look like you are having fun. What are you watching?

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