Present Perfect Tense (Advanced)

Present perfect tense is formed by adding the auxiliary verb has/have and the past participle form of the verb.

has + done
have + done

has not + done
have not + done

Have (subject) done ?
Have (subject) not done ?


1. Present perfect is used when the action continues from the past until now.


Their baby has brought them so much joy ever since she was born.
They haven’t woken up since they took a nap earlier this afternoon.
Have you ever ridden a rollercoaster before?

2. Another use of the present perfect tense is when talking about an action that continues up until now.


I have met a lot of clients in the past week.
They haven’t seen each other for ages.
Have you heard from Mary yet?

3. Present perfect is used with time expression such as today, this morning, this year etc. when during the time of speaking, these periods are not yet finished.

Amelia has studied very diligently this semester.
I haven’t taken my medicine today.
Have you gone on holiday this year (yet)?

4. Present perfect is also used to say how many times something has happened.

Kim is taking a diving lesson. It’s her first one.
It’s the first time she has dove. (not dives)

Michael has lost his keys again.
This is not the first time this has happened. (not happens)

Frances is calling her clients again.
That’s the fourth time she has called them today. (not called)

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One reply on “Present Perfect Tense (Advanced)”

I have improved my conversation skills since I started with phone english.

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