‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We have heard the  slogan  “The Customer is always right”  several times and often, this attitude that the customer is always right negatively affects the company as it goes to great lengths to meet customers’ needs. But what if the customer isn’t always right? 

Read the article below and know the reasons this old adage isn’t always right.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What happens if the company adopts “the customer is always right” policy?
  2.  Do you agree that “The customer is always right” is wrong? Why or why not?
  3. What are the effects of this policy to the company and to the employees? Will the advantages outweigh the drawbacks?
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4 replies on “‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong”

It could be right if the customer is educated and have good manners. But, if the customer pass the limits with violence, abuses, and bad words, the company should side with their employees and defend their rights.

I think we have to begin a trade thinking about “the customer is always right” and, in case of dissapointment, we should try to mantain calmed, but if customer transgresses our rights, we have to stop the abuse.

In case of the company had abusive customers, and the company side with customers in stead of with their employees, it could undermine employees confidence and wellness in their job.

Not always the advantages outweigh the drawbacks, sometimes, to keep abusive customers could bring problems to the company and it could drive away existing and new possible good customers.

Interesting insights on this topic. Good job writing your ideas down.

Please note how you can phrase this sentence better:

Not always the advantages outweigh the drawbacks, sometimes, to keep abusive customers could bring problems to the company and it could drive away existing and new possible good customers.
Advantages do not always outweigh drawbacks. Sometimes, keeping abusive customers brings problems to the company and drives existing and new possible good customers away.

Many thanks to your consistent effort, you can see improvement in your writing now.

Hi, I can not watch the video! I don´t know why but it isn´t included in the text.
Thanks a lot,

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