Give All Tips to Staff

B1 – Intermediate

Waiting tables is one of those jobs that pay too little. A lot of waiters who work in restaurants depend on tips for more salary.

However, not all restaurants give the full amount of tips collected to their waiters.

Read the article below about a new law that obliges restaurant owners to give all the tips to their waiting staff.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “tip” mean, “UK restaurants will soon have to give all tips to their staff.”? Give a synonym and use the word ‘tip’ in a sentence.
  2. What does “staff” mean, “Many waiting staff are happy with the new law.”? Give a synonym and use the word ‘staff’ in a sentence.
  3. What does “to be fed up with sb/sth” mean, “They are fed up with chain restaurants keeping their tips.”? Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
  2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
  3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
  4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
  5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?
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22 replies on “Give All Tips to Staff”

Vocabulary Questions:

What does “tip” mean, “UK restaurants will soon have to give all tips to their staff.”? Give a synonym and use the word ‘tip’ in a sentence.

Answer: Tip means a small quantity of money which the customers give to waitress when they do a good or extra job. A synonym for “Tip” could be “Extra payment”.
Sentence: When we go to this cafe, always we give a good tip to the waitres because he always are so kind with us.

What does “staff” mean, “Many waiting staff are happy with the new law.”? Give a synonym and use the word ‘staff’ in a sentence.

Answer: Staff is the group of workers belong to a company or shop. The synonym to staff is “workers”.
Sentence: The staff of this shop are good professionals.

What does “to be fed up with sb/sth” mean, “They are fed up with chain restaurants keeping their tips.”? Use this expression in a sentence.

Answer: “To be fed up” means that someone doesn’t like a certain situation that is happening bygone.
Sentence: I’m fed up with the weather, always it’s rainning.

Discussion Questions:

Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law? Yes, I am agree it and I think that also should be normal, because just like the article said, many workers depends from tips for survive and if you don’t have enough salary to survive, probably you are poorly paid. Anyway, maybe this law should not exists because in my opinion, the workers should not depend from tips but his/her salary.

What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff? I think that it’s a bad practice because when a customer gives a tip to a waitres is because the customer thinks that waitress have done a good job and if the employer keeps for himself those tips, probably is a employer that doesn’t value the work of his employees.

Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not? In my country, normally we not give a tip, there are exceptionally situations like when a waitress made a very good job or he/she is very kind or when the restarurant’s staff have done a very good job.

What are some low-paying jobs in your country? I think that the sames jobs from others countries. Probably, they can be waitress or shop’s staff.

How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers? I think that if employees are well-paid to survive and also their work environment are nice, it’s fine. Also if the employees feels fulfilled with his work, I think it’s a good point.

You did a great job writing your answers!

Take a look at how to revise this sentence:

I am agree it and I think that also should be normal, because just like the article said, many workers depends from tips for survive and if you don’t have enough salary to survive, probably you are poorly paid.

I am agree it with this law and I think that it should also be the normality, because just like the article said, many workers depend on tips to for survive and if you don’t have enough salary to survive, you are probably poorly paid.

Stay consistent with your practice to continue seeing progress.

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
Yes, I am. I guess that if the law is demanded is because the worker conditions are not as good as they should be.
2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
I think that it is widely known that waiting staff is not very well paid. For this reason, clients leave tips as a kind of gratification for their job. It is not fair that companies that are saving costs with these reduced salaries, also want to take advantage of the tips that clients leave.
3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
In Spain the tip culture is not so widely extended that in other countries like for example the US. Not everybody tip, and tips are lower than there. Although it is known that waiting staff neither have very good conditions here, they do not need to rely in the tips to reach the mínimum salary.
4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
Besides waiting staff, cleaning staff and people working in harvest have the lowest paid jobs.
5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?
I think that laws are needed to guarantee fair salaries for every worker. In addition, supervision is required in order to make sure that the rules established by the laws are always followed.

Impressive work writing your answers.

See how this sentence can be revised:

I think that laws are needed to guarantee fair salaries for every worker.

I think that laws that guarantee fair salaries for every worker need to be made and implemented.

Until your next entry.

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
I’m agree with the law will be apply. From my point of view it is very necessary the government accept and apply this law because the salaries are very low.
2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
I’m not agree with the decision because the restaurants get all the economic benefits and the staff still with low salaries and the staff are the core of the company because they are who served the tables with a great smiles
3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
Where I live we don’t need to tip waiters but if you like the service you can give some tip.
4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
Maybe the farmers and waiters
5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?
I think we need a fair laws and jobs conditions. If the ecosystem has been created with these laws and condition are good the workers will be fine.

Good work writing your answers to your lesson’s discussion questions.

Here are a few sentences you can revise:

I think we need a fair laws and jobs conditions. If the ecosystem has been created with these laws and condition are good the workers will be fine.

I think we need a fair laws and jobs conditions. If the work conditions have been created with these laws and conditions in mind, are good the workers will be fine.

Until your next entries!

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
I’m not sure if this new law would help to the staff waiters, or poor the pay yet more the salary base.
I think that maybe to prohibit tipping would be the solution, because this would force to pay a fair salary.

2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
Well I think that this is unacceptable, this should be mandatory because is a tips that the people give for the service waiters and all who give tips hopes that tips get to waiters and don´t that the restorant owners do use for yourself benefice of this.

3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
in spain To tip waiter isn´t mandatory. But In my case I always left tip when the waiter is good, and your service is fine.
it’s my way of saying thank you for the service!
I have my ourself rule, and usually give 10 percent of the account, if the service waiter was good.

4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
Once of them is waiter, also replenishers (supermarket staff), retail salespeople, primary school teachers, administrative staff in the private sector.

5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?

This is very difficult, many employers say “this are my rules if you want this job you must consent my rules”. And for necessity the people or a person that need to work accept it, because she or he have a maintance a family, pay to rent, to survive.
But in my opinion, this kind of practices aren’t should be normalized and we should to denounce; only so we can finish to this abusive practices and help to better the work system.

You put in great efforts in your writing practice. Well done!

Here is a better way to express this sentence:

This is very difficult, many employers say “this are my rules if you want this job you must consent my rules”.

This is very difficult because many employers would often say,These are my rules. If you want this job, you must follow my rules”.

Enjoy your writing practice!

1-Yes I agree with this new law and I think it’s necessary to have it as a lot of restaurants are keeping a part of the tips instead of giving them to the waiters.
2-I totally disagree with it because if they do not have a salary they should be giving all the tips to them, if not they should be giving them a salary.
3-In my country there are tips but they are not compulsory. The waiters have a contract and a salary, but ussually they are very bad payed and their working hours are never respected.
4-Low paying jobs are waiters, housemakers, teachers
5-The only way is with laws and rules and inspector verifying the rules and laws are respected. Which in my countries does not happens.

Good job working on your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Here are better expressions you can also use in this sentence:

The only way is with laws and rules and inspector verifying the rules and laws are respected.

The only way is with laws and rules and to have inspectors implementing the said rules and laws to make sure they are abided by.

Continue enriching your vocabulary.

1. Yes, I agree with this new law. I think it is necessary to have this law in order to avoid the boos keep the money and he uses the money for his own benefit.
2. I have a bad opinion. Totally disagree with the restaurants not giving the tips to their staff. When I go to a restaurant, I give tips for the good service: good waiters, food, ambient… and I think that it is necessary that tips are shared with the whole staff.
3. I don’t need to tip waiters in my country. It is not mandatory. You choose if you want to provide a tip or not.
4. Some low-paying jobs in my country are for example: waiters, sweepers, caretakers…
5. We can make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers with laws and rules. And employers must comply with the stipulated in the contract.

Keep doing this exercise to consistently improve your skills.

Here is how this sentence can be written a bit better:

I think it is necessary to have this law in order to avoid the boos keep the money and he uses the money for his own benefit.

I think it is necessary to have this law in order to avoid the bosses from keeping the money and using it for their own benefit.

Until your next entries!

1. I´m agree with this new law and it´s very necessary for that many waiters tables can survived the end month.

2. I don’t think it’s right that restaurants not giving the tips to their staff, beacuse I so customers give the tip to these waiters table because he has worked very good.

3. I think that don´t need to tip waiters in my country. And I think that it must not obligatory, because every person is free to do it.

4. One of the low-paying jobs in my country is the Doctor. This sector is very important, they save lives, but they don´t receive a good salary.

5. Some employers don´t pay agree to law. They don´t pay for all task that theirs employees really do.

I´m agree with this new law and it´s very necessary for that many waiters tables can survived the end month.

I agree with this new law and it´s very necessary so that many waiters tables can survive until the end of the month.

Another expression that is better is:

…it´s very necessary for that many waiters tables can survived the end month.

…it´s very necessary so that many waiters can make ends meet.

Happy writing!

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
Yes, I agree, but perhaps it would be better to prohibit tipping, indirectly it would force to pay a fair salary

2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
I think it is totally unjustified and bad practice.

3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
Only in very special situations to thank something totally extra outside of your service. I believe that the salary should cover the entire service, it is also a way to reduce black money.

4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
Normally the waiters, but unlike other countries, there is an interprofessional minimum wage that must be paid.

5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?
It is not easy, but we could help by not contributing to paying with black money such as tips.

Well done writing your answers. Keep going with your practice to improve more.

Here is a sentence you can revise:

I think it is totally unjustified and bad practice.

I think it is bad practice and it is totally unfair.

Cheers to your next entries!

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
I agree with this new law because the salary of the restaurants’ workers is very law, and in many cases customers give tips for the good service given by the waiter.

2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
I think that it is not correct. As I said before the salary of the waiter is too law and the tips help them to increase their salaries.

3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? Why or why not?
I think that the tipping that we do in Spain in not equal as the UK. The tipping in Spain is voluntary and the money we

3. What are some low-paying jobs in your country?
Waiter, shop or supermarket sellers, recepcionist

5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers?

Requiring companies to have a code of ethics for employees and to be audited to verify their commitment.

Well done sharing your thoughts on this topic.

Remember to write this response in complete sentence:

Waiter, shop or supermarket sellers, recepcionist

Some low-paying jobs in my country are waiter, shop or supermarket seller, receptionist etc.

Until your next entry!

1. I think it is necessary, but not only to give all the tips to the workers, the tips should be distributed proportionally to all the workers, not only the one receiving it.
2. Restaurants already have their benefits included in the prices, so also retrieving the tips is totally unnecessary because the waiters earned it, not the restaurant itself. Even the kitchen staff should receive them, because many tips may be caused because of good cooking.
3. There is no tipping in Spain, sometimes we leave some cents as a tips, because of convenience, but they have a really small value. There is no culture of tipping in Spain, but the salaries should also be increased.
4. Waiters and shop staff.
5. Maybe forcing the distribution of part of the benefits to all the staff, the same amount independently of the position.

Well done writing your answers down in here.

Take a look at how you can improve this sentence with a few changes in the word choice:

Maybe forcing the distribution of part of the benefits to all the staff, the same amount independently of the position.

One way to make sure every worker is treated fairly is maybe ensuring that profits are divided equally and distributed to all the staff, the same amount independently of the position.

Keep practicing to get better and better at this.

1. Do you agree with this new law? Do you think it is necessary to have this law?
I agree with the current law because the restaurant workers don’t win enought money , they have got a low salary, so I think that this law is very neccesary for type of employees.
2. What is your opinion on restaurants not giving the tips to their staff?
My opinion about thouse restaurants that do not give the corresponding tips to their staff is unfear. The tips help to increase the salary.
3. Do you need to tip waiters in your country? It is not mandatory. Why or why not? Because the restaurant owners tell that they pay a great salary to their employees and the tips are not necessary.
4. What are some low-paying jobs in your country? waiters, callers centre, salers
5. How can we make sure all workers are treated fairly by their employers? It is complicated to know the true. Many people work in bad conditions but they will not say it because they are scare.

1.I agree with new law and it is totally necessary for the staff because thay work really hard and it is not fear.
2. I think they are not good employers.In my opinion they have to pay the tips and pay the correct taxis for that and also don´t use this tips to pay their wages.
3. In my country, is not usually to pay tips because they have the full salary maybe you can leave a few coins just to be nice with waiters who was friendly with you.
4.The low-paying in my country are salaries which you don´t earn the minimum wage.
5.It is very difficult to Know if people are treated good by the employers because you do not have all the low articules and it the company is big is more difficult.

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