Why Men Have Short Hair

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Hair fashions may change season to season, but the norm persisted that men needed to keep their hair short for sanitary reasons. Also, many view men with long hair as lazy slackers while those with short hair are seen as industrious.

However, since when – and why – did men begin cutting their hair short?

Find the story behind this in the video below.

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe your hairstyle.

2. In Spain, what is the trendy hairstyle for men and women nowadays?

3. How do you view men with long hair? How about women with short hair?

4. How do you think hair or hairstyles can affect our perception of a person’s personality?

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One reply on “Why Men Have Short Hair”

1. Describe your hairstyle.
My hairstyle is short hair beacause I’m nearly bald….

2. In Spain, what is the trendy hairstyle for men and women nowadays?
In Spain the trendy hairstyle for men is short hair in general, but the comb over is a fashonable hairstyle.
The trendy hairstyle for women is long hair with layers.

3. How do you view men with long hair? How about women with short hair?
In my opinion the men with long hair is the same as men with short hair. I don’t judge people for they look like.

4. How do you think hair or hairstyles can affect our perception of a person’s personality?
In my opinion most of people jugde others for their look like. I think hairstyle can affect in some cases. For example you can loss the oportunity to get a job if the employer thinks that your hairstyle isn’t suitable for this company. Everything depends on the perception of the other person

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