The Butterfly Effect

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A man quit his job for being mistreated by his manager. But before he did, he told about his bad experience to the other employees that resulted to three other people leaving the company.

When those people found themselves unemployed, they decided to start their own business. After some time and a lot of hard work, their business became very successful to the extent that they started competing with the company they used to work for. Under the pressure of the fierce competition the old company declared bankruptcy.

A small unnoticeable change can result in a very big one later on, can’t it?

Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the Butterfly Effect. Do you believe in it, or do you believe that the courses of events in this world are predetermined or inevitable?

2. Tell about your own experience of the Butterfly Effect. Think of one action that you did today. How do you think it had created a change in the events of this day?

3. How do you think your studies of English now can cause a difference in other people’s lives in the future?

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