Jail Risk for Parents Who Raise Children as Vegans

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Vegans have a plant-based diet avoiding all animal foods such as meat including fish, shellfish, dairy, eggs, honey and they also avoid animal-derived materials, products tested on animals and places that use animals for entertainment.

It’s the individual’s choice to go vegan but is it unethical to force this on children?

Please read the article and answer the questions that follow.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of being vegan?
  2. What kind of diet do you have?
  3. Please state the pros and cons of being vegan.
  4. Is it unethical to force a vegan diet on children?

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2 replies on “Jail Risk for Parents Who Raise Children as Vegans”

The topic is not corresponding to the link. They are talking about different things (Vegan and Vitamin Drip).

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