Why Cities are Full of Uncomfortable Benches

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In cities, architects purposely design uncomfortable benches. Defensive architecture is an urban design trend in which public spaces are constructed or altered to prevent people from using them in undesirable ways. It can come in the form of spiked or sloped benches to block homeless people from using them as a place to sleep. Critics argue that such measures reinforce social divisions and create problems for all members of the public, especially seniors, children, and people with disabilities.

Is it driving people and nature out of the cities?

Watch the video and be able to discuss the questions that follow:


Discussion Questions:

1. Is defensive architecture visible where you live?

2. Do you think it’s hostile? What do you think about it?

3. Cite some advantages and disadvantages of defensive architecture.

4. How are homeless people treated in your country?

5.  What does your government do to help them?


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2 replies on “Why Cities are Full of Uncomfortable Benches”

1. Is defensive architecture visible where you live?
In my city is seldom visible this kind of architecture, maybe in few metro stations or near downtown international office buildings, but is not a common thing to see.

2. Do you think it’s hostile? What do you think about it?
Defensive architecture is intended to move an urban nuisance to other areas, therefore is designed as hostile as it can be. Nonetheless, it’s not a real solution for this problem. Instead of installing this kind of urban architecture, there are other solutions to face this situation, for example, opening more homeless shelters.

3. Cite some advantages and disadvantages of defensive architecture.
I guess there’s no advantage of defensive architecture. It’s ugly, hurtful and in most cases dangerous because they can cause accidents to other people for whom are not intended to be defended from.

4. How are homeless people treated in your country?
I guess they’re treated quite well, we are usually sympathetic with them although in most cases we tend to ignore them, but quite often we give them a handout if we believe that they actually have needs and they’re not part of a mafia.

5. What does your government do to help them?
This is the best part, our government tries to feed and accomodate them in shelters, which reduce the appearance of homeless people sleeping on the streets. Furthermore, there are initiatives to pull them out of streets and give them chances of getting a job, so they can revert their situation. Sadly, it doesn’t work for everybody since they’re still seen on the streets, maybe is a deeper problem to take care about.

You always give this exercise your best. Good going!

See how you can write this sentence a bit better. Do not forget to use your subject “it”.

In my city is seldom visible this kind of architecture, maybe in few metro stations or near downtown international office buildings, but is not a common thing to see.

In my city, this kind of architecture isn’t very visible. Maybe it is in some metro stations or near downtown international office buildings, but it is not a common thing to see.

Keep enhancing your writing skills through this page.

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