Are Children of Same -Sex Parents Disadvantaged?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The well-being of children who are being raised by same-sex parents has gained more and more attention over the past few years. Opponents have argued that “same-sex parenting” adversely affects children. However, various scientific research show that gay and lesbian parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents. They do not raise their children any differently than heterosexual couples do.

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the points discussed in the video?
  2. In general, what are your thoughts on same-sex parenting? Why or why not?
  3. How is it like for same-sex parents in your country? Are there changes that still needs to be done for families in this setup?
  4. Is sexual orientation a problem when adopting a child? Does it affect the welfare of the child’s upbringing? Explain your answer.
  5. Are children in traditional families better than the non- traditional ones? Why or why not?
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2 replies on “Are Children of Same -Sex Parents Disadvantaged?”

What are your thoughts on the points discussed in the video?
I guess it can be summarised as there’s no evidence that the sexual orientation of the parents can affect children’s behavior.

In general, what are your thoughts on same-sex parenting? Why or why not?
I think that same-sex parenting is equally valid as traditional parenting since it doesn’t matter the sex of the parents but the attention and the education taught to children. As an example, we all know that sometimes traditional parenting could lead to bad-mannered children and same-sex parenting could upbring excellent children, but we also know that this could happen vice versa.

How is it like for same-sex parents in your country? Are there changes that still needs to be done for families in this setup?
As far as I know, in my country same-sex couples are allowed to be married and have children as regular people, so in this case is great to have the same rights. However, I think that society in general should normalize them because I think still there’s hidden rejection to same-sex people.

Is sexual orientation a problem when adopting a child? Does it affect the welfare of the child’s upbringing? Explain your answer.
In my country single females can get pregnant and be single mothers thanks to both science and law, so is this is possible, there’s no prohibition for same-sex couples to adopt or be parents by scientific means. I could affect child’s upbringing, not because of the education that could be given by same-sex parents, but due to the relationship that the child could develop with a traditional parenting child, because their parents usually don’t explain them that there’s also other kinds of families and they are as good as traditional families.

Are children in traditional families better than the non- traditional ones? Why or why not?
Children raised by traditional and non-traditional families have the same chance to become excellent people or the worst criminals. Like the video stated, it’s not a matter of sexual orientation but the quality of parenting.

Seeing you exert all the efforts in writing your answers is admirable! Keep it up.

Look at how you can change some word choices and the structure of this sentence so you can put your thoughts across more effectively.

I think that same-sex parenting is equally valid as traditional parenting since it doesn’t matter the sex of the parents but the attention and the education taught to children.

I think that same-sex parenting is equally valid as traditional parenting since the sexual preference of the parents isn’t the only thing that matters in raising children. Paying your children enough attention and giving them proper education are also important.

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