
B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some people say that we should look at mistakes with a positive mindset. That rather than feeling let down by ourselves and others, we should see errors as opportunities for learning and growth. But what if there was a way to undo things that have gone wrong with a simple keystroke?

Watch the following short film to see what one man did when fate seemingly smiled down on him.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the choices Stu made when he discovered what “Ctrl Z” on his keyboard could do?
  2. Given a one-time “Ctrl Z”, what personal decision would you undo to change the outcome of?
  3. How do you handle mistakes? What thoughts fill your head after committing an error? What emotions do you feel?
  4. In your opinion, what is the proper way to correct a workmate? A subordinate? Your boss?
  5. Describe the attitude toward correction that can lead to positive results.

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2 replies on “Undo”

Do you agree with the choices Stu made when he discovered what “Ctrl Z” on his keyboard could do?
– Yes, I am, but in mu opinnion he would should talk with his boss earlier and tell him all the things that he think with other words. And if it was him, I would look for a better job.

Given a one-time “Ctrl Z”, what personal decision would you undo to change the outcome of?
– Maybe I would start to study english earlier. I feel jealous of children who learned to speak english with five or six years old, when I was five or six I didn’t even think about that.

How do you handle mistakes? What thoughts fill your head after committing an error? What emotions do you feel?
– It depends on the kind of error, if the error is insignificant I feel silly, however if the error is serious and affects important things in my life like my family or even my work, I feel frustrated.

In your opinion, what is the proper way to correct a workmate? A subordinate? Your boss?
Describe the attitude toward correction that can lead to positive results
– I think this type of situations are better handled privately and calmly, and when some things of your workmates or your boss bother you maybe you can let it go one, two or three times but you cant let it go for ever, so I think is better have a talk with your parner to put it on the table.

Do you agree with the choices Stu made when he discovered what “Ctrl Z” on his keyboard could do?
I do not agree exactly with him. Maybe it is a good idea, because he tried to do a thing that he would not do if he knew that that situation it is imposible to change after. But in my opinion it could be a good idea to use it in important situation.
Given a one-time “Ctrl Z”, what personal decision would you undo to change the outcome of?
I do not have only one time. But I would use it in a situations that I did a very big mistakes, for example sometimes we argue with our family or our partner. In this kind of situation we would like to have two or more opportunities.
How do you handle mistakes? What thoughts fill your head after committing an error? What emotions do you feel?
Depend on the situation and the importance of it. Because on occasion we think more that we need in silly things. I feel very bad when I argue with somebody, I do not like anything that situations.
In other occasion for example when you do wrong something in your job I am overwhelm me, but in mayority of that, the importance of our mistake are less that we think.
In your opinion, what is the proper way to correct a workmate? A subordinate? Your boss?
Describe the attitude toward correction that can lead to positive results.
I think it is very difficult and principaly it depend on your boss are. There are good bosses who want that their employees help them and they give big responsabilities.
I do not know what is the best form, but in my opinion I would try to do in a calm situation and privately.

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