TripAdvisor To Stop Selling Animal Attractions Tickets

B1 – Intermediate

TripAdvisor, a famous travel website, will stop selling tickets to animal attractions.

Read more about the company’s new initiative.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why did TripAdvisor stop the sales of tours that involve animals?
  2. What is your opinion on this news?
  3. Describe your experience going to animal attractions.
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2 replies on “TripAdvisor To Stop Selling Animal Attractions Tickets”

TripAdvisor stop selling tickets to shows with animals because these do not permit the thrive of animals.
I’m not sure about that, I can understand people who take care of this animals who said those animals will not survive in wild after captivity. And I can understand those people are making a good educational service for the rest of animals in the wild places.
In my experience, long time ago, when I went to Zoo I saw bad actions to this animals, but, fortunately, this actions stop, an now I can see this animals living a life more confortable.
Finally I agree with letting animals live in freedom

Good job writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Take a look at how you can revise this sentence with a bit better word choice:

Finally I agree with letting animals live in freedom.

Finally, I agree with letting animals live in the wild/in their natural habitats.

Until your next entry.

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