Health Benefits of Gardening

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Greens, colorful flowers, and vegetables, these are some views that will surely give us positive emotions. Feelings like amusement, appreciation, excitement, passion, happiness, and serenity will definitely have a great impact on our mental health.

Would you believe that you can achieve all these positive emotions in one activity? Yes! It’s gardening!

Here are the 8 surprising health benefits of gardening:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the health benefits of gardening?
  2. Do you like gardening? Why or Why not?
  3. Do you have a garden? If yes, what are the plants that you have in your garden? If not, do you plan to put up a garden?
  4. Would you like to try growing your own food? Why or why not?
  5. According to WHO, good health means the presence of sense of community and happiness. Can you explain this?
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2 replies on “Health Benefits of Gardening”

Gardening has a lot of health benefits on people. Some of them are psicological such as they can improve the self-stem, feel happy oneself or reduce the stress levels. Others are connected with the body: help you burn calories, or strenghten the heart and hands.
I like gardening very much because when I am working on my plants I get to forget all my worries and I am concentrated on how beautiful they look like. This activity makes me feel quite and relaxed.
It is very rewarding to see a small plant bought some months ago and now it is growing day after day and even, some have flourished or given aroma.
Another point is that plants are very decorative, transmit happiness and colorful at home.
I have no garden at home since I’m living in a flat but I try to grow some plants and flowers outside the windows. The problem is to find a variety of plants which can bear extreme temperatures. The easiest solution is some kind of cactus or carnations.

It seems you really do enjoy gardening. That’s lovely. Please check some of these phrases/sentences and how you can improve them:

Some of them are psicological such as they can improve the self-stem, feel happy oneself or reduce the stress levels.
> Some psychological benefits are improving self-esteem, making one feel happy or lowering stress levels.

Others are connected with the body: help you burn calories, or strenghten the heart and hands.
> Others are connected with the body. It helps you burn calories or strengthen your heart and hands.

This activity makes me feel quite and relaxed.
> This activity makes me feel very relaxed.

or given aroma
> or are giving off nice smell

Another point is that plants are very decorative, transmit happiness and colorful at home.
> Another point is that plants are very decorative. They transmit happiness and make a home very colorful.

Your hard work in writing is much appreciated!

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