Ways to Stop Over Apologizing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An apology is telling someone how sorry you are for the pain or trouble you have caused them while promising that the bad behavior will not be repeated. However, are you the type of person who tends to over apologize ?

While it is a powerful tool for building trust, valuing the other person and your relationship with them, we sometimes need to assert our self-worth and try not to apologize for everything little thing so much.

Let’s read the ways on how to stop saying sorry too much.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the article?
  2. What makes a good apology?
  3. When apologizing, is it best to make it up with someone with a costly gift?
  4. How do you apologize for a personal and professional mistake?
  5. Should you apologize if you feel that you are right?
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