The Food Delivery Revolution

B2 –  Upper Intermediate

When you do not feel like spending time slaving away in the kitchen, there is a quick way to have food ready on your dining table from 30 minutes to an hour just by waiting in the comfort of your own home.

Nowadays, it is so easy to find any dish you crave for at online restaurants. A few clicks and your dinner is on its way to you!

Listen to the podcast to know more about how food deliveries have changed our food culture.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the food delivery revolution? Is this happening in your country too?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of food deliveries?
  3. Talk about some of your food delivery experiences.
  4. What other changes in your food culture have you noticed in the past 10 years?
  5. What is your most preferred dining experience?
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2 replies on “The Food Delivery Revolution”

I have realized that in the last few years there has been a change in the consumers’ trend, in the sense that more and more people prefer to diner at home rather than to go out to a restaurant. On one hand, it is positive for the restaurants since they can increase their incomes with this additional service and also the space into the restaurant will be less overcrowded. On the other hand, if it becomes in a habit for the consumers, then it means that some employments will be destroyed because it will not be necessary waiters, chefs and cleaners. What it is a fact is that we can everyday see new apps offering these services and the number of people riding bicycles and carrying food box are increasing in a matter of days.
Some advantages I can see of this service is that you can choose a wide range of food from your home. Even, all of your friends or family can diner at home different type of food. As for the disadvantages, I can find that it is more complicated for you to make a complaint in case that the food is not good enough since there will not any waiter around you. Another cons is that it could happen that the food arrives late and cold. Definitely, the food will not be as fresh as in the restaurant.
Other changes I have noticed in the latest years is that some restaurants are also offering their services to the offices. The consumer makes the order early in the morning and the restaurant delivers the food at the agreed time. These restaurants usually have a menu with three or four dishes to be chosen and it varies all weeks.
I do not personally use this type of service because I like to go out to the restaurant and enjoy the meal, the background and people. In addition, I see that restaurants use a lot of spices in the meals which make them heavy to digest.

Good job writing your insights about this topic. Here is one sentence you can say better:

On the other hand, if it becomes in a habit for the consumers, then it means that some employments will be destroyed because it will not be necessary waiters, chefs and cleaners.
> On the other hand, if it becomes a habit for the consumers, then it means that employment would be affected because it would not be necessary to have/employ waiters, chefs, and cleaners anymore.

Keep going!

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