Test 629

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This quiz must be completed in 10 minutes.
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3 replies on “Test 629”

The question number 13, I chose “commited” as synonim of “compromised”, but when I resolved, the app returned that the right answer was “imperiled”. I think this is wrong, isn’t it?

Furthermore, the question 3 was confusing, because I didn’t think that you could get detention for skipping classes, so I thought that it would be an addition to the misbehaviour, not a cause/effect relation.

Actually, the word “compromise” is commonly mistaken by us, Latin speakers, as a synonym of “commitment”. “Commitment” is the literal translation to “compromiso”, hence the confusion. But “compromised” is related, for instance, to danger. i.e. “The security of the building has been compromised”, meaning that the security is in danger or has been breached.
Hope it helps!


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