Amazon Germany Strike

B1 – Intermediate

Amazon is probably one of the best companies to work for. However, it looks like for some workers in their German warehouses, this isn’t true. They plan to go on strike for several reasons.

Read the transcript and listen to this audio on German Amazon workers’ plans to go on strike.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “market” mean here, “Amazon´s biggest market outside the US is Germany.”? Use the word in your own sentence.
  2. What is a “warehouse“? Use the word in your own sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “to go on strike” mean? Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What are the reasons Amazon workers want to go on strike?
  3. What is your opinion on the workers going on strike on Black Friday, an important shopping holiday?
  4. Do you like holidays such as Black Friday? Generally, what do you think of them?
  5. Share some experiences (good or bad) you’ve had with Amazon.
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4 replies on “Amazon Germany Strike”

What is your reaction to this news?
I didnt know that and i think that a company like amazon can afford better salaries for their employees.
What are the reasons Amazon workers want to go on strike?
they want better salaries and working conditions
What is your opinion on the workers going on strike on Black Friday, an important shopping holiday?
If they haven’t achieved results speaking with amazon managers then they have to use other tools for being heared
Do you like holidays such as Black Friday? Generally, what do you think of them?
I like to have the oportunity of buying things at better prices of course but you have to put attention for not losing the control of your money.
Share some experiences (good or bad) you’ve had with Amazon.
I usually buy on black friday for saving money and i didnt have any problem.

Good going in trying to improve your writing skills!

Take a look at the word choices you can make in this sentence in order to make it a bit better:

If they haven’t achieved results speaking with amazon managers then they have to use other tools for being heared

If they haven’t achieved their desired results upon speaking with Amazon managers, then they have to resort to other means for their voice to be heard.

Keep being persistent with your writing practice.

Vocabulary Questions:
1. What does “market” mean here, “Amazon´s biggest market outside the US is Germany.”? Use the word in your own sentence.
The sales of the national market increased in the last year.

2. What is a “warehouse“? Use the word in your own sentence.
There wasn’t any more stock of this product in the warehouse placed in Zaragoza.

3. What does the phrase “to go on strike” mean? Use it in your own sentence.
The doctors have decided to go on strike to get better conditions in their job

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your reaction to this news?
I have thought that they have a bad conditions in their job because it’s a very important moment of sales

2. What are the reasons Amazon workers want to go on strike?
They want to earn more money and improve some things of their job

3. What is your opinion on the workers going on strike on Black Friday, an important shopping holiday?
Everybody should be able to go on strike. The chosen moment is one of the best of the year to pressure to the company and get their wishes

4. Do you like holidays such as Black Friday? Generally, what do you think of them?
Yes, I like Black Friday and sales but I have never bought bargains in Black Friday.
In general, I think there is more expectation than bargains

5. Share some experiences (good or bad) you’ve had with Amazon.
I have a good experience but I think it’s necessary to compare prices. Sometimes the price of a product in Amazon is highest than others shops

Good work in your writing practice.

See how you can write this sentence a bit better:

Sometimes the price of a product in Amazon is highest than others shops

Sometimes the price of a product is higher on Amazon than in other shops.

Keep practicing to gain more improvement in your skills.

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