EU Plans To Recycle All Plastic Waste

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight, and durable materials, which can readily be molded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. As a consequence, the production of plastics has increased markedly over the last 60 years. However, current levels of their usage and disposal generate several environmental problems. 

Let’s read the article about the plan of the EU to resolve this issue.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you recycle plastic? What other things do you recycle?
  2. Should there be a reward system for people who recycle things?
  3. Do people commonly recycle in your country? What do they do? Can they do more?
  4. What is your opinion on plastic shopping bags?
  5. What is the best way to deal with the problem of plastic?

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