Why Fake Meat Is the Future

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Plant-based meat are becoming a more popular choice for many consumers even for the non-vegetarians. Over the last few years, the number of meat alternatives available on the market has been increasing with the rise in vegetarian and vegan eaters. As a result, the sales of meat alternatives are growing as well.

Watch the video and be able to answer the discussion questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you tried plant-based meat before? What do you think about these meat alternatives?
  2. What do you think are the reasons why some non-vegetarians or non- vegan consume plant-based meat?
  3. What do you think is the impact of consuming plant-based meat on our health and our world?
  4. Do you think fake meat will be the future food of the world? Why or why not?
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6 replies on “Why Fake Meat Is the Future”

Have you tried plant-based meat before? What do you think about these meat alternatives?
I have ever tried vegetarian burgers, made of soy or seitan, and the truth is that they taste good. Obviously it is not meat, however I think it is a healthy alternative, the texture is very similar than meat and the taste is pleasant.

What do you think are the reasons why some non-vegetarians or non- vegan consume plant-based meat?
In my opinion there are a lot of people who consume these type of food because it is fashionable eat these products that are advertiser like healthier and more sustainable

What do you think is the impact of consuming plant-based meat on our health and our world?

Unfortunately, this kind of impact is huge .I totally agree with the data that the video exposed . We must change our consumption model quickly. We should reduce our consumption of meat to improve our health. Plant-based meat is not the solution but it could help something .

Do you think fake meat will be the future food of the world? Why or why not?
Yes it could be the food of the future. On the one hand , this type of food could improve the health of the population by reducing de risk of obesity and diabetes. Also it is safer for the environment. But on the other hand , we have the economic problem, this type of plan- based meat is more expensive and not everyone will be able to buy it.

Pleasure to see you here on the Phoneenglish blog! May this exercise helps you improve your writing skills further.

Take a look at a better way to express this sentence:

I have ever tried vegetarian burgers, made of soy or seitan, and the truth is that they taste good.

I have tried vegetarian burgers that were made of soy or seitan before and the truth is that they taste good.

Happy writing!

1. Have you tried plant-based meat before? What do you think about these meat alternatives?
I never tried Fake meat. This has been the first time I heard about it. I think that I would like to confirm the numbers regarding the water impact, greenhouse Gas emissions, energy and land use. I think that always ultraprocessed products are more damaging and they have more side effects.

3. What do you think are the reasons why some non-vegetarians or non- vegan consume plant-based meat?
They miss the texture and the taste of meat.
They want to try new products.

3. What do you think is the impact of consuming plant-based meat on our health and our world?

In my opinion, ultra-processed products includes non-healthy ingredients in their recipes. We need to limit the intake of this processed foods due to this ingredients.

4. Do you think fake meat will be the future food of the world? Why or why not?
I hope this wont be the future. We need to look for strategies to reduce and avoid the food waste. Currently the food waste could reach more than the 30% Of food production

Almost all of your sentences were actually correct or with very minor mistakes.

Here is just one with a very minor lapse:

I never tried Fake meat.

I have never tried fake meat.

Keep going for it!

Have you tried plant-based meat before? What do you think about these meat alternatives?
I haven’t tried anything of those products so far, however I’m interested in how it would taste. Aother thing that I should say regarding

What do you think are the reasons why some non-vegetarians or non- vegan consume plant-based meat?
Plant-based meat is not real meat, it’s like plant-based milk, both are products that try to sell in deceitful ways by mimicking actual ones. Maybe that’s why I haven’t tried any product like that, although I’m still curious about that. There should another way to sell this kind of products since consumer can detect the disguise and refuses to go beyond and try these products.

What do you think is the impact of consuming plant-based meat on our health and our world?
Unfortunately, this kind of impact is huge and I totally agree with the data exposed in the video, mankind must cut off this consumption model before it’s too late. Plant-based meat is not the solution but part of it, the root of the problem is about changing our food habits by eating less meat, it would be healthier for both Earth and mankind.

Do you think fake meat will be the future food of the world? Why or why not?
Personally I think that if consumers know that they are being deceived, they wouldn’t be willing to try it. On the other hand we all know that eating starts through the eyes, so maybe it’s a chance. I’m sure that there are healthier ways to compare processed meat with processed fake meat. It’s a start but they should do better products.

Great thoughts on the subject for this lesson.

Look at how you can make this sentence better:

There should another way to sell this kind of products since consumer can detect the disguise and refuses to go beyond and try these products.

There should be another way to sell this kind of products since consumers can detect the deception/trickery and refuse to go ahead and try these products.

Good job!

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