Processed Meat Cause Cancer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The World Health Organization (WHO) released findings linking processed meat and cancer, particularly classifying Spanish jamon alongside others such as bacon and sausages.

Find out more about this report and the reaction of the Spanish meat industry regarding this report.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the report about and what is your reaction to it?
  2. What are the good and bad things about meat?
  3. Would this report change the way you and most Spanish consume processed and cured meat especially the Spanish jamon?
  4. How do you think reports such as this one affect the Spanish meat sector?
  5. What are other cancer-causing food that you know of?
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2 replies on “Processed Meat Cause Cancer”

1. What is the report about and what is your reaction to it?
The report explain the risk to have bowel cancer for eat a lot of red processed meat. I have readed some articles about that and isn’t a surpres for me, currently exists so much documentals and cientifics resources about processed food and the healt problems.
2. What are the good and bad things about meat?
I think the bad things are the diseases transmisions, the big content of bad grease and the industrial production, for differents reasons; healt and ecologistic reasons mainly.
3. Would this report change the way you and most Spanish consume processed and cured meat especially the Spanish jamon?
I can’t talk for others, but in my case I eat a little quantity of meat in a week, I think is the better for individual and global health.
3. How do you think reports such as this one affect the Spanish meat sector?
In Spanish the meat industrial sector have a big power over politicians and lawers, because is a big part of Spanish economy, in this way, I think, the change in Spain is difficult if not come from the consumers.
4. What are other cancer-causing food that you know of?
The fried food and the overcooked food, the reason is the big quantity of carbon in it, the carbon is highly cancerigen.

It is good that you keep practicing your writing.

See how you can improve this one response of yours:

The report explain the risk to have bowel cancer for eat a lot of red processed meat.

The report explains the risks of getting bowel cancer from eating a lot of red and processed meat.

To your future entries!

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