Virgin Trains Tops Rail Complaints List


B2 – Upper intermediate

A study suggests that taking the train to work makes people happier. But what if you encounter inconveniences related to punctuality or reliability or ticket-buying facilities and others?

Find out why Virgin Trains topped the complaints list across all rail services in Britain.

Virgin Trains West Coast tops rail complaints list


1. How would you rate your city or country’s rail service performance?
2. Do you have a complaint or have you ever complained about the rail service in your city or country?
3. How else can the train service be improved in Spain?
4. What is your reaction on Virgin’s statement that complaints were not the ultimate measure of passenger satisfaction? What do you think is the true measure of commuters’ satisfaction?

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2 replies on “Virgin Trains Tops Rail Complaints List”

In my city there are two big companies giving the rail service. FGC is my preferred one, they are more compliant regarding timelines.
This one is mainly used during working days by students or workers that go to Barcelona city from other locations. The environment is very comfortable and you can plan the arrival time. I have only experienced some delays due to external incidents (weather, traffic accidents..) so I don’t have any complain for the service.

Thanks for expressing yourself well here. Look at the words you can use to give this sentence a little boost.

In my city there are two big companies giving the rail service.
> In my city, there are two big companies that provide rail services.

You definitely did great in writing your responses!

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