Dating Violence Against Men

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Dating abuse or dating violence is the commission or threat of a violent act by a member of a relationship outside marriage usually during the dating or courtship period. It usually starts when one partner maintains total control over the other by means of violence and constant abuse. Although seldom reported, men can be victims of dating violence too.

Listen to this audio about dating violence against men.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Brandon? What predicament is he in?
  2. What did he do to get out of this messy situation?
  3. Have you heard of real cases of domestic violence against men?
  4. Why do you think it is hard for men to come forward and talk about abuse?
  5. Since male victims are usually unwilling to seek for help, how do you think the society can encourage them to open up about dating violence?
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2 replies on “Dating Violence Against Men”

Who is Brandon? What predicament is he in?
-Brandom is a boy who was in a relationship with a violent girl and she used to consume drugs.

What did he do to get out of this messy situation?
-The main reason was the violent reaction of his ex-partner at school. She hit him in the face and everybody could see it.
Have you heard of real cases of domestic violence against men?

-No, I haven’t, but I know a few cases of men with big problems after a divorce (money, properties, sons). One colleague was three years with a pending prison sentence. Luckily, justice absolved him, because it was a false accusation. It’s not physical violence, indeed, but it’s another type of abuse.

Since male victims are usually unwilling to seek for help, how do you think the society can encourage them to open up?
-I know that the main victims of domestic violence are women, especially physical violence, but as a society, we’ll have to have clear that any kind of violence is bad, even against children. We invest a lot of resources against domestic violence but from the point of view of a woman. Maybe we can start to dedicate some resources to include more types of violence, including psychological violence.

It is a very serious matter indeed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this very delicate matter.

See how the following sentences can be improved:

One colleague was three years with a pending prison sentence. Luckily, justice absolved him, because it was a false accusation.

One of my colleagues had a three-year with a pending prison sentence. Luckily, the judge acquitted him/he was eventually acquitted, because it was a false accusation.

See you in your next entry!

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