How False Information Spreads

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Today, almost everything we do has something to do online; may it be our pastime or our jobs. Sometimes, we feel the need to be connected online for fear of missing out on a lot of things.

As a result, different industries have adapted to this trend and have increased their online presence. This includes news media. Now, it’s more common to see people reading news articles online than in a newspaper. With so much information available at our fingertips, we need to be careful about the things we read online.

Click the link and listen to the audio to learn more about how quickly false information can be spread online.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the reasons false information spread so easily with the help of technology?
  2. How can false information be prevented from being spread on the internet?
  3. Share a hoax you have heard of before that many people believed right away.
  4. Do you read the news online? Which websites do you get your news from? Why do you get info from these websites?
  5. Do you use Wikipedia? What is your opinion about it or the information on it?
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