Texting and Driving

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Driving requires focus and attention. You need to pay attention to the road, to the car in front of you, and to pedestrians crossing the road. Texting while driving is not advisable and in fact, against the law. You won’t be able to focus on your surroundings and immediately react to different situations. Worse, you might get into an accident and hurt other people too.

Click the link and listen to the audio about texting while driving.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the dangers of texting while driving?
  2. Is it against the law in your country to text and drive?
  3. Have you seen someone texting while driving? What do you think of people doing this?
  4. Have you gotten into and accident before? If yes, what happened?
  5. What are some important things to remember when you are driving?
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