The Crazy Starbucks Order

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You are a regular at this cafe. All you want is your customized drink from your favorite cafe. So you order it. 

You are a barista at this coffee shop. All you want is to come in to work and have a normal day.

Watch the video and see the story of the 13-ingredient order at Starbucks that got a barista fired from his job. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the barista posting something like that?
  2. What are your thoughts on getting fired for your social media posts about things related to work?
  3. What do you think about the customer’s order and stand that his order is okay as long as he tips generously?
  4. What are usual reasons people would want to quit their jobs?
  5. At restaurants or cafes, what kind of customer are you?
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2 replies on “The Crazy Starbucks Order”

What do you think of the barista posting something like that?
-The barista posted this picture because he was shocked by the amount of ingredients in this order.

What are your thoughts on getting fired for your social media posts about things related to work?
-I think is not a correct behavior from companies. You are free to comment on your social media whatever you want if that comment is not offensive. In this case, I think is not justified the fire.

What do you think about the customer’s order and stand that his order is okay as long as he tips generously?
-I know the customer is the more important person for companies, but all should have a limit. In this case, it should be a limit of ingredients. You can’t expect good attention to your customers if they can order any crazy thing that they want. Good tips are not enough for this type of behavior.

What are usual reasons people would want to quit their jobs?
-In my opinion, the main reason is a low salary. If you can’t pay your rent, food, and other basic needs, probably you’ll quit of this job as soon as possible.
The second reason is a bad work environment, with toxic relationships with the rest of the colleagues and bosses. You can be patient for a while, but not forever.

At restaurants or cafes, what kind of customer are you?
-I’m a very comprehensive client, and usually, I don’t get angry even with bad attention. Simply, if I’m not happy with the customer’s attention, I don’t go back to that restaurant of cafe. By the way, I never give a tip, sorry. It’s nothing personal, just a tradition 😀

Clearly, you are doing the best you can in writing your comments.

See how you can revise this sentence:

You are free to comment on your social media whatever you want if that comment is not offensive.

You are free to post whatever you want on your social media as long as that comment is not offensive.

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