EU Economy Forecast to Rebound Faster

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As the economy reopens and vaccine rollouts continues, Europe is now on its way back to its economic level before the pandemic happened. The EU economy is predicted to bounce back faster compared to previous economic downturns.

Read the article about forecasts on EU’s economic recovery.

Discusion Questions:

  1. What are the driving forces to EU’s economic growth post-pandemic? Discuss each one.
  2. Do you think these forecasts are accurate? Support your point.
  3. How badly has your country’s economy suffered because of the pandemic?
  4. How is your country’s economic recovery going so far?
  5. What are some things that the government’s done to aid businesses from getting hit hard by the economic crisis?
  6. What has your company done to cope with the economic crisis brought about by the pandemic?
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