What Would You Do with a Million Pounds?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you a frugal or a lavish person?

For average Joes like us, a million pounds is a huge amount of money. It is hard to come by. In fact, many of us wouldn’t even get the chance to have that much money lying in our bank accounts.

But if you were to have that kind of money, what would you do?

Click on the link and let’s listen to what some people would do if they were to have a million pounds.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Based on the video, what would the people do if they were to have a million pounds?
  2. What do you think about how those people from the video want to spend their million?
  3. If you were to have a million Euros, what would you do with it?
  4. How would accumulating more wealth affect your life?
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