Is MSG Bad for You?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a controversial food-additive mostly used in Asian countries. It enhances the flavor of food. Some people claim that it could cause headaches, chest pains, or even brain damage. On the other hand, sources such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claim that it is safe for consumption.

Let’s watch the video below to know more about MSG and find out if it’s actually bad for us.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the use of Monosodium glutamate (MSG) How do you usually season your food?
  2. Do you like eating Asian food? If yes, what’s your favorite?
  3. How conscious are you of the food that you eat and the ingredients you use for cooking?
  4. Do you think food nowadays is becoming more or less safe to eat? Explain your opinion.
  5. Should the government do more to regulate food safety?

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2 replies on “Is MSG Bad for You?”

1. What is your opinion about the use of Monosodium glutamate (MSG) How do you usually season your food? I think that it is no so bad, so I don’t have any inconvenient in eating it. I usually use pepper, spice, herbs or salt to season the food.
2. Do you like eating Asian food? If yes, what’s your favorite? Yes, of course, it is one of my favorite foods. The dishes I like more are susi, maki, California rolls.
3. How conscious are you of the food that you eat and the ingredients you use for cooking? I am very conscious about the food I eat, I am very worried about having a healthy diet. Because I think it is very important. In my country we have a Mediterranean diet which use Olive Oil for seasoning the food. And I like it very much.
4. Do you think food nowadays is becoming more or less safe to eat? Explain your opinion. I think that you should to be careful with the food you buy, since in most of the cases, when you buy prepared food, you should check the ingredients, sometimes a lot of artificial preservatives are used.
5. Should the government do more to regulate food safety? Yes, I think the government should regulate food safety because they will increase the health of their citizens and they will have less obesity and illnesses caused by the consum of the unhealthy food.

Thanks for answering this lesson’s discussion questions. Well done! You’ve written your responses well.

See how you can write this sentence a bit better:

I think that you should to be careful with the food you buy, since in most of the cases, when you buy prepared food, you should check the ingredients, sometimes a lot of artificial preservatives are used.

I think that you should be careful with the food you buy since in most of the cases, when you buy prepared food, you should check the ingredients. Sometimes, a lot of artificial preservatives are used in them.

Here’s to more entries from you!

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