Nike Workers Get a Week Off to De-stress

B1 – Intermediate

It almost seem like the world has gone crazy! It is quite a very stressful time for everyone. 

When we are stressed at work, we usually take a day off to relax and disconnect. But, has your company ever offered you days off to do that? Nike did it for their workers. 

Read the lesson on Nike giving its workers one week off to help them de-stress. Then, be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this initiative from Nike?
  2. Is it possible for your company to do the same? Why or why not?
  3. What does your company do to help workers who are very stressed out?
  4. What do you usually do to de-stress?
  5. “Taking time for rest and recovery is key to performing well.” Do you agree or disagree? Share your opinion.
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5 replies on “Nike Workers Get a Week Off to De-stress”

1. What do you think about this initiative from Nike?
It´s a good point because mental health is very important for everyone, so it´s a good thing that your company worry about it and about the life of their employees.
2. Is it possible for your company to do the same? Why or why not?
I dont know because I have only been there for a week.
3. What does your company do to help workers who are very stressed out?
They provide free activities with your partners, like some activity out of the office (theme park) and they encourage free time during the working day like take a break with a cup of coffee with the rest of employees.
4. What do you usually do to de-stress?
Exercising or have time with family and Friends.
5. “Taking time for rest and recovery is key to performing well.” Do you agree or disagree? Share your opinion.
I agree with this because I think you must have time to disconnect from your work because if you are alwayis working, the personal performance is lower!

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

Take a look at this sentence and see how you can express it a bit better:

Exercising or have time with family and Friends.

I usually de-stress by exercising or spending time with my family and friends.

Cheers to your next entries!

1- I think it is a very good initiative, although I do not think it was so altruist. I think it is not onlu because Nike cares their employees mental health but it is a marketing campaign too.

2- Yes, it would be possible. We are a services company so we could adjust our work hours.

3- They allow you to have flexible working hours. However they don’t reduce your tasks and some times workers are a bit overwhelmed

4- The ballet classes and yoga classes I attend help me to de-stress a lot!

5- Totally agree!!! Having a quiet mind helps to be more efficient!

Interesting thoughts. Good job in writing your answers for this lesson.

See how you can write this sentence a bit better:

I think it is a very good initiative, although I do not think it was so altruist.

I think it is a very good initiative. However, I do not think it is a completely altruistic move by Nike.

Keep going with your writing practice!

I think that it’s a very good initiative from the Company…I will try to propose that in my company!

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