Video Stores’ Digital Streaming Resistance

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Since the late 1870s, films have been in existence as one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Since its introduction to the society, films and the industry that revolves around it have evolved so much. 

Year 2020, the availability of technology and the Coronavirus pandemic led to a new phase in the history of films and the way we consume them. Streaming digitally through platforms like Netflix, HBO, and Amazon Prime became widely embraced by the world. Keeping the passion for physical movies became more challenging than ever.

Read the article about the video stores in Spain fighting to attract customers amidst the rising popularity of digital streaming.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do physical movie stores still exist in your city? Talk about these places and your experience/s going there.
  2. Do you think video stores would continue to thrive further on? Talk about the challenges and opportunities of such business in the recent times. 
  3. Do you agree or disagree that with streaming platforms “You are forced to see what the company wants you to see, you don’t have any autonomy.”? Explain.
  4. What do you think about digital streaming platforms?
  5. Compare and contrast physical and digital film formats.
  6. Should we make sure that our children know about physical movies? Why or why not? 
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