Best Bedtime to Lower Heart Disease

B1 – Intermediate

To stay healthy, one must eat properly, exercise regularly, and sleep well. A study reveals that sleeping early prevents people from developing heart problems.

Read the lesson on the healthiest time to go to bed to avoid heart diseases.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that going to bed early is healthy? Explain your stand.
  2. Talk about your sleeping pattern. What time do you normally sleep and what is the reason for this?
  3. Now that you know sleeping beyond 12MN isn’t healthy, would you try to change your sleeping habits? Why or why not?
  4. What else can we do to avoid heart diseases?
  5. What other health problems can you develop if you do not sleep early?
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2 replies on “Best Bedtime to Lower Heart Disease”

1. I believe that going to bed early has no related to being a healthy habit. Adults should sleep 8 hours, as this is recommended.

2. I usually go to bed between 11 and 12 pm. I have dinner around 10 and I like to watch TV for a while before going to bed. I think I go to bed a bit late as I get up at 7 am, but at weekends I take the opportunity to rest.

3. Knowing this I would try to change your sleeping habits and I would try to go to bed earlier so that I can get the recommended 8 hours of sleep.

4. In addition to getting the recommended amount of sleep, we should eat a healthy diet and do exercise.

5. If we don’t sleep early we can have other problems such as lack of sleep and poor performance at work, for example.

Well done sharing your thoughts on this topic. Keep up the good work!

For this sentence, you can say:

I believe that going to bed early has no related to being a healthy habit.

I believe that going to bed early has no relation to being a healthy habit.


I believe that going to bed early is not related to being a healthy habit.

Until your next entries!

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